Good news, and good news with a twist: Newsweek's latest survey shows ALL Democratic candidates leading all potential Republicans. GREAT NEWS for us shows Obama's message getting through! Obama is viewed as the strongest candidate. Not so good news-Hillary still leads among Dems..
While the poll has some high marks for Clinton, it's not all good news. Though the New York senator and former first lady aims to project an aura of inevitability that she will win the Democratic nomination, Obama beats the leading Republicans by larger margins than any other Democrat: besting Giuliani 50 to 43 percent, among registered voters; beating McCain 52 to 39 percent, and defeating Romney 58 percent to 29 percent.
Like Obama, Edwards defeats the Republicans by larger margins than Clinton does: the former Democratic vice-presidential nominee outdistances Giuliani by six points, McCain by 10 and Romney by 37, the largest lead in any of the head-to-head matchups. Meanwhile, Sen. Clinton wins 49 percent to 46 percent against Giuliani, well within the poll's margin of error; 50 to 44 against McCain; and 57 to 35 against Romney.
Where Clinton remains the undisputed champ is among Democrats. When matched against her main rivals for the Democratic nomination, Clinton is the choice of 51 percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters over Obama's 39 percent; and she defeats Edwards 57 percent to 38 percent. Obama has not substantially narrowed Clinton's lead since the early March Newsweek poll, where he trailed Clinton by 14 points. Edwards has narrowed Clinton's lead over him though. Back in March Edwards trailed Clinton by 31 points; now her lead is down to 19 points.